Photo l.a. Virtual Collect + Connect 2020

Virtual Collect + Connect Photo LA logo.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Join us online June 27– 28 for photo l.a.’s first-ever virtual photo fair, Virtual Collect + Connect. Obscura Gallery has 32 prints for sale by our artists in our virtual booth, and it should be an exciting weekend of virtual talks and programs.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
SUSAN BURNSTINE, Beyond Mt. Lee, 2019, 16 x 16″, Hand varnished, archival pigment ink print, edition of 15.

Photo l.a. has reimagined the traditional fair space to digitally present over 70 exhibitors via interactive, 3D booths accessed via the Whova app and housed on the photo l.a. website. We are thrilled to be a part of this virtual edition!

You can now visit our booth here.


A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Join us for our first Obscura Gallery online auction! #StayAtHome is inspired by our current worldwide mandate and is raising money to help our artists and surrounding community in this challenging time.

The #StayAtHome auction began Wednesday, April 22, 2020 and continues weekly through June 1, 2020. We will add a new round of available work each week including vintage and contemporary work.

More than half of the proceeds from each contemporary sale go directly to the artist. In addition, Obscura Gallery will donate a portion of our proceeds from each auction round to benefit a chosen organization that is helping the relief efforts for Covid-19, so far having donated to The Pueblo Relief Fund and Native American Relief Fund.

Please see detailed bidding instructions here.

Sign up for our email newsletter here to stay informed.

Support Art, Support Artists!

Art exhibit poster featuring desert landscapes.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Desertscapes : Altered Views of New Mexico is a solo exhibition with Santa Fe photo-based artist Caitlyn Soldan which explores various approaches to iconic views in New Mexico landscapes. Included in the exhibit are variations of Pedernal Mesa, Shiprock, and the Taos Gorge. Just as Pedernal Mesa was a great inspiration to Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings and served as a major muse for her at Ghost Ranch where she had her studio, Caitlyn too is moved by the unique New Mexico desert land.  Soldan creates landscape studies in various photographic processes that yield unique one-of-a-kind prints which each represent the different emotional qualities in nature. By virtue of repetition with the subject matter, the artist seeks to honor the subject which inspires and motivates her.

This exhibition has been extended through the end of June 2020

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
CAITLYN SOLDAN, Cerro Pedernal #19, 2019, 16×20″, mordancage, unique.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
CAITLYN SOLDAN, Rio Grande Gorge Study #6, 2019, 8×10″, mordancage, unique.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.



Book Presentation by Photographer, Author, and Activist Michael Berman


Sunday February 23rd, 3pm

The Lannan Foundation
Lannan Meeting House
313 Read St, Santa Fe, NM

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Obscura Gallery photographer, author, and activist Michael Berman will speak about his recently released book Perdido, published by the Museum of New Mexico Press. Michael will be joined by co-thinker, rancher, and environmentalist Valer Clark.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
MICHAEL BERMAN, Perdido, Cross, 2015, two sizes available

Michael Berman’s new book, Perdido: Sierra San Luis, is a journey in photographs and stories about a complicated landscape on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border, where the natural world has been compromised and where survival depends on a complexity of relationships. The event takes place at The Lannan Foundation in Santa Fe, address above. If you are interested in viewing prints from this book, please stop by Obscura Gallery to view Michael’s portfolio.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
MICHAEL BERMAN, Perdido, dripping water, 2015, three sizes available


Exhibition poster for Paul Caponigro's retrospective.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Obscura Gallery is honored to present, Paul Caponigro: Sixty Years, a solo retrospective exhibition of landscapes and still lifes by one of the world’s most significant master photographers still working today. The nearly 50 black and white images in the exhibition include work from as early as 1958 and encompasses his extensive career photographing in the Southwest, California, and New England, as well as Ireland and England. Working directly with the artist himself to curate the exhibition, the show includes an incredible selection of Paul’s most iconic images as well as images that have rarely before been exhibited. We invite you to join us in welcoming Paul back to Santa Fe for the opening!

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench. PAUL CAPONIGRO, Galaxy Apple, New York City, 1964, 7.25 x 8.5″, gelatin silver print

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench. PAUL CAPONIGRO, Apple, Winthrop, MA, 1964, 6.75 x 8.5″

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench. PAUL CAPONIGRO, Fungus, Ipswich, MA, 1960, 13.25 x 10.5″, gelatin silver print.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
PAUL CAPONIGRO, Cloud, San Sebastian, Santa Fe, NM, 1980, 13.5 x 10.5″, gelatin silver print.



A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.


A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.


A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.


A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Art exhibition list at Obscura Gallery.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.
Public Opening Reception: Friday, November 22, 2019, 5-7pm

Exhibition is on view through January 4, 2020

Obscura Gallery presents our highly anticipated Holiday Season exhibition, One-of-a-Kind, a group show of photo-based artworks found exclusively at our gallery. The exhibition consists of 30 artists from the U.S., France, Cuba and Israel including those represented with Obscura as well as guest artists who were invited to participate. The concept for this exhibition is nearly two years in the making – each artist was asked to create a unique photo-based artwork, or create a new print edition, of which either would be on exhibition and exclusively available only at Obscura Gallery. We hope you’ll join us for this exciting exhibition and find something you love for yourself or your loved ones this Holiday season, knowing it will be a unique piece only found at Obscura Gallery!

Download the Full Press Release Here

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.


A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

This Fall Obscura Gallery presents an exciting exhibition of the newly published limited edition portfolio by one of the most influential documentary photographers of his generation: Danny Lyon: Thirty Photographs (1962-1980). This collection features many of the New Mexico photographer Danny Lyon’s most iconic images. The portfolio, published in 2019 and limited to an edition of 10, was compiled by Terry Etherton of Etherton Gallery in Tucson, Arizona, spotlighting his 40-year association with Lyon. Obscura Gallery’s show is one of the first exhibitions to partner with Etherton Gallery for this newly compiled portfolio, offering for sale the full portfolio as well as individual modern prints. The reception takes place on Friday, October 4, 2019 from 5-7pm at Obscura Gallery.

All images copyright Danny Lyon / Magnum Photos, courtesy of Etherton Gallery.

Download the full Press Release here.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Martha Strawn & Lucy Lippard book signing November 8, 2019

Woman in denim jacket and scarf.

Flight of Spirit: The Photographs of Anne Noggle
Edited and introduced by Martha A. Strawn

Foreword by Lucy R. Lippard
Published by: Museum of New Mexico Press

Book Launch and Signing: November, 8 at 5:00pm at Obscura Gallery
Free and open to the public.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

In the history of photography, Anne Noggle (1922–2005) stands alone among the great American photographers for her powerful, wry portraits and self- portraits of aging women and women’s bodies—as Noggle called it, “the saga of fallen flesh.†Suffusing Noggle’s photographs are her profound joie de vivre, humor, and defiant humanism. Noggle’s unique vision shaped the medium in ways that have yet to be adequately acknowledged—this new book seeks to underscore the impact and lasting influence of this unconventional photographer.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Flight of Spirit: The Photographs of Anne Noggle, published by the Museum of New Mexico Press, features a series of portfolios selected by Martha Strawn, Noggle’s colleague and close friend. The portfolios feature intimate portraits of Noggle’s family and friends, and women who served during World War II, including a series of Soviet Airwomen. The closing portfolio of self-portraits depicts a powerful exploration of self. In addition to the photography, Noggle’s life and contributions are contemplated in an essay by Lili Corbus, foreword by Lucy Lippard, and Noggle’s own poetry.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Noggle’s first love was not photography, but flying. She had served as a WASP—Women Airforce Service Pilot—during World War II and in the Korean War. Afterward she was a stunt and crop-dusting pilot in Texas. At the age of 38 she enrolled at the University of New Mexico earning a BA in art and art history and an MA in photography in 1970. She later taught art and art history at the university as adjunct professor and curated photography exhibitions. She was the first photography curator at the New Mexico Museum of Art (formerly Museum of Fine Arts) in Santa Fe from 1970–76. Noggle’s photographs are held in numerous public and private collections throughout the world.


William Albert Allard receives the 2019 Figaro Magazine Lifetime Achievement Visa d’or Award

Children playing on a rural dirt road.

Congratulations to Obscura Gallery artist William Albert Allard for receiving the 2019 “Lifetime Achievement Visa d’or Award”, created by Le Figaro Magazine and the international photojournalism festival Visa Pour L’Image which recognizes an established photographer who is still working. â£

A person riding a surf board on top of a river.
William Albert Allard, Girls Running Home, Behorleguy, France, 1967, various sizes available, please inquire.

Allard says of the event,
“The award was presented to me in Perpignan, France on the evening of September 6 by Cyril Droughet of Le Figaro, and Visa Pour L’Image director Jean-Francois Leroy on the stage at the festival founded by Leroy thirty years ago.â£â€

“The French have always seemed to appreciate my work and to receive such an award in one of my favorite towns in my favorite European country, was definitely a unique pleasure. I will truly treasure the award, one previously given to several of my photographer â£colleagues including Pascal Maitre, Michael “Nick” Nichols, and Sir Donald McCullin.â£â€

Obscura is excited to present Allard’s work in an upcoming exhibition in May 2020. Stay tuned for more information!

Art exhibition featuring floral and bird images.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Obscura Gallery is thrilled to present our Fall solo exhibition by gallery artist Brigitte Carnochan and her new photographs inspired by the poems of Emily Dickinson. Brigitte Carnochan and Emily Dickinson share a passion for flowers that inspire both their mediums. Brigitte’s career has centered around the sensuality and beauty of botanicals and nudes, and in this new work, she circles back to her original subject matter of nearly four decades ago when she began by painting on her gelatin silver floral images with oil paints. Having been drawn increasingly over the years to the narrative possibilities in photographs, Carnochan incorporates in this series lines of poems in Dickinson’s own handwriting, inconspicuously or half hidden. The resulting images are printed with the 19th century platinum palladium photo process onto handmade Japanese gampi paper that she delicately backs with gold leaf, giving the images the look and feel of 19th century daguerreotypes, with which Dickinson would have been familiar.

The exhibition is on view through November 9, 2019.

Download the full Press Release here.

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.