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a white block


We’re at the AIPAD show in the Park Avenue Armory this April

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

April 25 – 28, 2024
Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065
Booth C06

We are excited to show a booth of the following artists:
Paul Caponigro
John Paul Caponigro
Roger Deakins
Danny Lyon
Rania Matar
Rashod Taylor

With additional works available by:
Susan Burnstine
Debbie Fleming Caffery
Brigitte Carnochan
Kurt Markus
Aline Smithson

And a book signing with Roger Deakins for Byways in our booth C06
Saturday, April 27, 1pm

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

Saturday, April 27, 1pm
Book Signing with Roger Deakins
For Byways
In Our Booth C06

Park Avenue Armory

Get Fair Tickets and More Info Here



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Representing the Finest Contributions
to the History of Photography

Obscura Gallery
225 Delgado St.
Santa Fe, NM 87501
[email protected]

Member of the Association of International Photography Art Dealers


All photographs are ©2025 by the respective artist. All rights reserved.