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a white block


Collaboration with Ski Santa Fe 2024-25 ski season

A woman and man sitting on the ground in front of a bench.

We are so excited to be collaborating with our local ski basin, Ski Santa Fe this season! Here’s the deal:

1. Take a photo of your winter experience at Ski Santa Fe.

2. Post it to Instagram including hashtag #skibueno and tag @skisantafe (be sure to make your profile public so we can see it!)

3. We’ll choose one image per week to then culminate into a photo exhibition held at La Casa Lodge on the ski basin at the end of the season on April 4, 2025. We’ll then choose one ‘best-in-show’ to receive a 2025-2026 ski pass as the winner. Prints are sponsored by Rush Creek Editions in Santa Fe. Juried by Obscura Gallery.

Get to it!
#SkiBueno #SkiSantaFe #RushCreekEditions #ObscuraGallery #NMTrue

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Representing the Finest Contributions
to the History of Photography

Obscura Gallery
225 Delgado St.
Santa Fe, NM 87501
[email protected]

Member of the Association of International Photography Art Dealers


All photographs are ©2025 by the respective artist. All rights reserved.