PAIGE PINNELL(1944-2017) - The Artist as Collector
Showing 33–48 of 62 results
LA HUFFMAN. Saddling the Wild Horse, Ekatema, MT, 1894
LA HUFFMAN. Our camp, Big Horn Canyon, Montana, 1879
LA HUFFMAN. ‘481’, Skinning a grizzly bear, 1881, SOLD
DOUGLAS PRINCE. Untitled (Psychology of the Hand), 1973
TODD WALKER. Two nudes, 1972
TODD WALKER. Abstract dancing nude, 1973
ANNE NOGGLE. Self-Portrait, 1969, SOLD
ANNE NOGGLE. Adobe Wall (wide lux), New Mexico
PAUL CAPONIGRO. Flower Vase, Maui, 1977
PAUL CAPONIGRO. Grasses, Cloud, Kalamazoo, 1970
PAUL CAPONIGRO. Alberta, Canada, ‘Wise Silence, plate 111’, 1978
PAUL CAPONIGRO. Birches, Upstate, New York, n.d.
PAUL CAPONIGRO. Trees, Taos, NM, 1974
JERRY UELSMANN. The Quest of Continual Becoming, 1965
JERRY UELSMANN. The Photographer’s Eye, 1967