Angie Brockey creates one-of-a-kind wet plate collodion objects and jewelry. Often times, the artist creates her own mini-sets and theaters, photographing directly in camera, onto small stones, as well as glass and tin plates coated with collodion. She speaks of the work:

My creative journey started as far back as I can remember. One of my very first memories is of soft light passing through yellow cloth over my eyes. I can feel the warmth of the sun scattering its way through the material to touch my face. Something like a dream, a reality that  can’t be seen with the eyes and mystery are what I crave, what I pay attention to and what inspires a desire to keep living life and creating.

I think in whatever medium I’ve used, whether it’s been in writing music, drawing, painting, metal smith work, collodion image jewelry, or analog photography, beauty and the deeper parts of beauty, under the surface of life are what I am drawn to explore. There is always more to be discovered and the closer I look, the more I want to peel back the layers underneath. For the last 8 years, the process of Wet Plate Collodion Photography has provided the avenue to satisfy my need for something less commonplace, something that honors a slower enrichment of life. I haven’t reached the end of the mystery with it yet and I’m loving every step. 

In the last few years I’ve been honored to have my wet plate collodion image jewelry and larger wet plate collodion “plates” featured in several publications, books and online magazines and have had many of my pieces in juried shows, exhibitions and galleries around the U.S. and Europe, some of these pieces winning awards. I’ve also devised a way to shoot in camera on semi-precious and precious stone and have been recognized for this unique and challenging endeavor.  Many of my works continue to be enjoyed, worn and displayed in private collections around the world.   -Angie Brockey

All of Angie’s objects are also available as an editioned archival pigment ink print, please inquire for further information.

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